Saturday, September 19, 2009

Combat Global warming

In the Global Warming debate there are only two sides. One group holds the thought that Global Warming is a hoax. The other side thinks by cutting consumption, the Global Warming can be reversed. Both sides are ignoring other possibilities to combat the problem. I have posted three of those (Scientific but all low Tech Ideas) ways to fight Global Warming in websites of various groups in the Internet and MSNBC discussion Boards, which is win solution for both sides. If you are interested, you can Google Search my name and find those postings. I always use my real Name, Address and e-mail when I write to Internet web sites.
Everyone will probably get upset when you read Trash and Ocean in the same sentence. I am going to propose exactly that. You can get rid of the Trash problem in major cities of the United States and help the Environment and combat Global Warming at the same time.

Send the Trash to the bottom of the Ocean (Trash contains mostly Organic materials and hence contain Carbon). These materials will be buried by Ocean sediments. At the bottom of the Ocean all the Carbon will be reduced to CH4 (Methane) under extreme Anaerobic conditions. Under extreme cold conditions Methane will freeze and accumulate in Nuggets. Methane will polymerize to higher Hydrocarbons and ultimately to Petroleum in millions of years and hence Carbon will be sequestered almost permanently. It will take that long polymerization will be extremely slow under very cold conditions. On the other hand if Methane is cooked say by volcanic eruptions, polymerization takes only days.

Now the real discussion starts. If you throw trash in the Ocean without any thought, it will only add to the Texas size Trash already floating there. What I am proposing is that Trash should be compacted and enough rocks added and send and make sure it goes to the bottom, say 20,000 to 25,000 ft. The packages should be place one mile apart and if possible track first 1000 packages by Robot or GPS. I have $146 GPS that indicates exactly what my position is (Co-Ordinate). Teaming up with Google can help.

I have posted this on MSNBC discussion board and other Internet Global Warming sites. If you Google search my name you can find them there. There were a few objections to my proposals at only MSNBC discussion Board.

1. Global Warming is a hoax and we do not need to get rid of Carbon.

2. Methane does not produce Petroleum, something else does.

3. Inorganic wastes should be burned to produce energy.

I do not want to comment to the above objections.

There were some real concerns and proposals to my posts.

1. Trash should be burned to produce electricity.
2.Blood syringes and other Laboratory wastes constantly washing to the Ocean and causing pollutions.
3.There are toxic substances in the Trash.
4. Many disease causing Microorganisms in the Trash
5. There may be life even at 20,000 ft deep Ocean

Proposal #1 is constructive but because of NIMBY, this is never going to happen.
Concern #2,Throwing those Laboratory wastes are illegal and those people should be punished.
Concer #3, There are toxic substances in the Trash. I am not concerned about that, those toxic substances should stay in the bottom of the Ocean and buried instead of polluting the air and land and ultimately expose the Humans and other Animals.

Concern #4 Any concern about Microorganisms should be dealt with by sterilizing the compact packets before sending to the bottom of the Ocean. Any metals in the trash will be converted to hydrides and sulfides (lot of sulfur compounds constantly oozing out from the bottom of Oceans). Sulfides will be converted to rocks of ‘PYRITES’( metallic sulfides )may be 100 million years from now future intelligent beings will produce Sulfuric Acid etc from those Pyrites.

Concer#5 Yes there are Life forms at very great deep Ocean. There also places devoid of life. Oceanographers at Woodshole and Lamont Doherty can advice on that problem.

I have thought very hard about this matter for a long time and thought my proposal is the best way to get rid of the Trash problem and help combat (even it is very little compared to the enormity of the problem of Global Warming). In my younger years I was Chemistry major in the fifties. I have studied in Columbia University in the early seventies. I have taken courses in Earth Science, Molecular Biology, Toxicology and more. I have studied Geochemistry (Geochemistry is extension of Chemistry), Ocean Chemistry, Oceanography and related subjects on my own. I invite real criticism against my proposal and I want to defend my Idea. You can contact me with e-mail, letter or phone call. I will love objective criticism. You probably know that Organic Materials, dead Planktons, Marine Animals etc are constantly going to the bottom of the Ocean which is probably many thousand times of the Trash I am proposing to send there.

Jnan R. Saha
9 Village Green
Wesley Hills, NY 10952


  1. I wonder Why no comments to my post. Is it very difficult to understand? I am going to follow with my other ideas about Global Warming.

  2. As no one is commenting on my blog, I want to expand on my post. The compact packets should be placed at 20,000 ft deep at one mile apart. As deep under water robots are available, first 1000 deposits should be tracked by Robots and see what happens. Google probably can help in tracking down those compact trashes, if each packet includes one tracking device.

  3. I have posted this piece in
    Global Warming has already started. Only serious Scientific Methods can get Mankind away from disaster. Both people who believe in Global Warming, and People who are saying Global Warming is a hoax, are not grasping the real cause. There are two places that absorb CO2 are the Oceans and Rain Forests. Rain Forests are trivial to the capacity of Oceans to absorb CO2. Carbon Dioxide absorbed by the Ocean Water goes to the bottom and Carbon is sequestered for Millions of Years. Where as Carbon Dioxide absorbed by Rain Forests and other Vegetation is only temporary and get recycled after a few years.
    In the Ocean Waters there are many different Planktons, which are visible only under Electron Microscope. One kind of Planktons are Phyto-Planktons. These absorb Carbon Oxide and release Oxygen in the Atmosphere. A fraction of these planktons die natural death and go to the bottom of the Ocean with their Carbon Compounds inside them. These are all also at the bottom of food chain. These are consumed by bigger Organisms. First by tiny fish, and those are consumed bigger and bigger fish and to the biggest. At each stage fractions of these organisms die naturally and go to the bottom with the Carbon Compounds in them. At the bottom of the ocean under extreme Aenerobic conditions Carbon is reduced to methane and accumulate as frozen nuggets. In millions of years Methane become higher Polymers to Ethane, Propane and ultimately to Petroleum which is mainly a mixture of those higher hydrocarbons..
    There is debate that cutting consumption should halt the Global Warming process. Yes it will temporarily with a consumption cut of 50% or more, which is very unlikely and only at the expense of Economic growth. The Ocean at the stage it was 200 years ago could absorb all the CO2 produced by Human activity. The Ocean has lost its ability to absorb enough CO2 because of pollution. A disaster like Exxon-Valdez can take out Phyto-Planktons from area about million square miles for years. There is an area in the Pacific that has Texas size floating trash and plastics and is growing at a rate of few square miles every day. Please follow the link:
    Unless this is stopped, there will be no hope to combat Global Warming. Please follow the link:
    Here I have proposed to compact the trashes and add stones and dump in the Ocean to a depth of 20,000 to 25,000 feet. I propose here that a few ships be constructed with United Nations funding. These ships will scoop up the trash in Pacific Ocean, crush them into pellets with stones and send to the bottom as above. If the Ocean is cleaned up, Phyto-Planktons will bloom and will be able to absorb all the CO2 being generated. There is concern that overfishing will deplete the fish stocks in the Ocean. But if the Phyto-Planktons bloom, no amount fishing can deplete the Marine organisms.

  4. I have posted the piece about cleaning up the floating trash in the Pacific. There is no alternative to that. After it is cleaned up may be the Planktons will bloom. But it may take many years. Here I am proposing one more idea. The planktons need one inorganic material for its growth. It is Iron but it needs in extremely dilute condition. There were a lot of discussions about adding iron in the Ocean Water. The conservatives are up in arms in opposing that. They are concerned that Northern Passage will not open up.
    I am proposing to start a limited and controlled trial. Take any Shipping Line say Europe to East Coast of United States. Each ship that travels in this shipping line should spray say 10,000 gallons of concentrated Iron solution. Take samples every week up in Gulfstream and down Labrador Stream and count number of Planktons. I have counted Planktons in the 70’s and it is not that difficult. I suppose in a few months results on the growth of Planktons would be known and the trial could be adjusted. I will love feedback on my ideas and will love to answer those.

  5. This is in response to
    I am not very keen about spraying sulfur particles in the Stratosphere. This can come back to Earth as SO3 or SO2 and will cause Acid Rain. I am already concerned about Mercaptans that are added in Natural Gas to detect Gas leak. The Sulfur in the Mercaptans will be converted to Sulfur Dioxideor Trioxide that will come down as Acid Rain. I understand that amount Sulfur in the Natural Gas is extremely small. But the way use of Natural Gas is increasing Worldwide, that miniscule amount will add up. I have not seen or read any article about the Mercaptans in Natural Gas, I think we should be concerned.

  6. I have posted the following as above.
    Another idea to absorb CO2 from the Atmosphere, There are deposits of Billions of tons of Carbonates and Bicarbonates (Sodium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Magnesium Carbonate and other Carbonates and Bicarbonates) all over the world. These were formed during Ice Ages when Salt Lakes got concentrated by evaporation. First Sodium Chloride (Salt) crystallized out and other metallic salts. When the water got sufficiently concentrated it became Alkaline and at some critical point it started absorbing Carbon Dioxide and depending upon the abundant Metallic Ions Carbonates were Crystallized out. It may be mentioned of all the Metallic Salts only Carbonates come from the Atmosphere. All other Salts, Sulfates, Chlorides, Phosphates etc mostly come from within the composition of Salt Lake Water.
    There are some places in the world Carbonates are forming at this time. Such Salt lakes are mainly in the most arid places in the World, Dead Sea of Middle East, Dead Sea of Australia, Dead Sea of Russia, Lake Sambhar in Rajasthan desert, India, Death Valley in California. Until there is rain or run off Carbonates will continue to crystallize. There is proof in Great Salt Lake in Utah, where there is tens of square miles of surface of Calcium Carbonate formed at some extreme draught time. Carbonate crystallization was interrupted by a big rain or runoff. Some time in the future under right conditions some Carbonate will crystallize out again in many Salt Lakes.
    My idea is find a Salt Lake where some Carbonates are crystallizing. Pump water from a Salt Pan using Power generated by Wind Mill over a Shallow Plane say at 15 degree angle 10 miles by 5 miles to a levied area 10 miles long and a mile wide. Passing salt water over this large shallow plane has two objectives. Concentrate salt water to become alkaline and increase the surface area for absorption of Carbon Dioxide from atmosphere. Some may ask that it takes Tens of years for an Alkaline Salt Lake to make billions of tons of Carbonate. Yes that is true. But if it is done in 1000 places and each place absorbs enough CO2 to make million tons, there will be billion tons of Carbonates per year. In my opinion it is a sound theoretical proposal, and one has to demonstrate by a small experiment using a portable Electric Generator. Area for the experiment should be in a Salt lake in extremely arid place, using 1000 feet long and 500 feet wide and about 10 feet deep. A conclusion can be made in about a week if this idea will work.

  7. There may be some economic components after successfully crystallizing the Carbonates. Water in Salt Lake is mostly concentrated version of Ocean Water with slight local variations. After removal by Crystallization of Sodium Chloride, Carbonates as Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium etc the remaining Metallic ions get concentrated. These include precious Cadmium, Silver even Gold. At the end of current process these get concentrated 1000 times or more. It could be easy at this point to separate and produce these metals. If it is done that will be Economic bonus. Private Companies may come in at this point and compete to produce these precious metals. This can only be ascertained after a trial run as above and analyzing the contents of concentrates at every step.

  8. The above post about absorbing CO2 and convert to Carbonate appear to be complicated than really it is. If it works it is the most low tech way to remove Carbon Dioxide from Atmosphere. Only thing one needs is to build one Windmill to supply the power. Just pump Water from Salt Pan, concentrate and pour over an area where Carbonates are Crystallizing. The purpose of this of this effort is to continue the Crystallization process. There are thousands of places in extremely arid regions Carbonates are being made at this time, and billions of tons of Carbon Dioxide can be removed from the Atmosphere.

  9. The following post was in News India Times. In later posts I shall express my ideas.
    SYDNEY: The rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is driving fundamental and dangerous changes in the chemistry and ecosystems
    of the world's oceans, warn international marine scientists.

    More than 30% of the CO2 released from burning fossil fuels, cement production, deforestation and other human activities goes straight into the oceans, turning them gradually more acidic.

    "Ocean conditions are already more extreme than those experienced by marine organisms and ecosystems for millions of years," the researchers said. "This emphasises the urgent need to adopt policies that drastically reduce CO2 emissions."

    Ocean acidification, which the researchers call the "evil twin of global warming", is caused when the CO2 emitted by human activity, mainly burning fossil fuels, dissolves into the oceans. It is happening independently of, but in combination with, global warming

    "Evidence gathered by scientists around the world... suggests that ocean acidification could represent an equal – or perhaps even greater threat – to the biology of our planet than global warming," says study co-author, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg.

    "The resulting acidification will impact many forms of sea life, especially organisms whose shells or skeletons are made from calcium carbonate, like corals and shellfish," adds Hoegh-Guldberg, professor at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies.

    "These changes are taking place at rates as much as 100 times faster than they ever have over the last tens of millions of years," Hoegh-Guldberg says.

    The scientists say there is now persuasive evidence that mass extinctions in past Earth history, like the "Great Dying" of 251 million years ago and another wipeout 55 million years ago, were accompanied by ocean acidification, which may have delivered the deathblow to many species.

    "These past periods can serve as great lessons of what we can expect in the future, if we continue to push the acidity the ocean even further," said lead author, Carles Pelejero, from the Marine Science Institute of CSIC in Barcelona, Spain, according to a release of the ARC Centre.

    "This will create conditions not seen on Earth for at least 40 million years," he said.

    These findings were published in the latest issue of Trends in Ecology and Evolution

  10. The above was posted in News India Times. Yes the Ocean is getting more acidic, the reason it is absorbing Co2 losing capacity to sequester the Carbon. There are tiny Organisms only visible by Electron Microscope, called Planktons. One kind of Plankton is called Phytoplanktons. These absorb Carbon Dioxide from atmosphere and release O2. These are also at the bottom of food chain, being eaten by larger organisms and goes up the chain to biggest Marine Animals.
    Fractions of these organisms die naturally and go to the bottom with carbons compounds inside them. Once at the bottom, Carbon in the compounds get reduced to CH4 (Methane) under extreme anaerobic conditions and become frozen nuggets and thus sequestered for millions of years. Because of pollutions plankton numbers are going down and because of loss food chain number of Fish and other big Organisms also going down. The reason is not overfishing, just those fish and other organisms have less to consume.
    There was a report last week that a Chinese Vessel ran aground and leaked 963000 tons of oil. Each ton of oil probably kills all the Planktons in one square mile area. Other oil spills like Exxon Valdez, Tory Canyon etc killed Planktons in Million square mile area.
    There is report that top layer of Ocean water is deficient in Iron. I do not know if this was caused by Oil Spills and other causes. As I posted before Fertilizing Ocean Water with Iron immediately to bring back the Phytoplanktons. If Phytoplanktons do not bloom, Mankind will experience disasters much greater than Global Warming or Global Cooling

  11. The following is a part of report. This report should convince the people in power that there is very urgent need to clean up and fertilize the Ocean Water to avoid disaster for the Planet.
    OSLO (Reuters) – A thaw of Iceland's ice caps in coming decades caused by climate change may trigger more volcanic eruptions by removing a vast weight and freeing magma from deep below ground, scientists said on Friday.
    They said there was no sign that the current eruption from below the Eyjafjallajokull glacier that has paralysed flights over northern Europe was linked to global warming. The glacier is too small and light to affect local geology.
    "Our work suggests that eventually there will be either somewhat larger eruptions or more frequent eruptions in Iceland in coming decades," said Freysteinn Sigmundsson, a vulcanologist at the University of Iceland.
    "Global warming melts ice and this can influence magmatic systems," he told Reuters. The end of the Ice Age 10,000 years ago coincided with a surge in volcanic activity in Iceland, apparently because huge ice caps thinned and the land rose.
    "We believe the reduction of ice has not been important in triggering this latest eruption," he said of Eyjafjallajokull. "The eruption is happening under a relatively small ice cap."
    Carolina Pagli, a geophysicist at the University of Leeds in England, said there were risks that climate change could also trigger volcanic eruptions or earthquakes in places such as Mount Erebus in Antarctica, the Aleutian islands of Alaska or Patagonia in South America.

  12. I have posted the following in
    The real reasons Ocean waters are acidic is not due to Carbon Dioxide emissions. It is due to the fact that Ocean Water absorbs CO2 but cannot sequester the Carbon Compounds. In normal conditions CO2 is taken up by a kind of Plankton called Phytoplanktons. These absorb CO2 and release O2 by photosynthesis. These Planktons are also at the bottom of food chain for Marine organisms. Smallest planktons are consumed by bigger planktons, goes up the chain to small fish to big Fish and to the biggest Marine animals. A fraction of all these organisms die naturally and go the bottom of the Ocean with the Carbon Compounds in them.
    At the bottom of the Ocean under extreme Anaerobic conditions the Carbons become CH4 (Methane). Methane accumulates and by polymerization become Petroleum in Millions of years. Petroleum we use today was formed many million years ago under the Ocean. Because of pollution Phytoplanktons are dyeing and because these are at the bottom of food chain number of other Marine organisms going down. As a result, Ocean cannot sequester the Carbons in CO2, and the acidity rising.
    I have posted many of my ideas to clean up the Atmosphere and Ocean Water in the following. Anyone interested including Sigourney Weaver are invited to click on the link and start discussions. Just by cutting Energy Consumption cannot resolve the problem.

  13. Here is the story again. This oil spill will kill Phytoplanktons in thousands of Square mile area of the Ocean. This shows the urgency to clean up the Garbage patches in the Ocean and Fertilize Ocean Water with Iron to Bloom the Phytoplanktons.

  14. It is the “MARINE BIOLOGY STUPID” that is affected by rising Ocean Acidity. The tiniest organisms Phyto-Planktons are dying, caused by pollutions. These tiny organisms are visible under Electron Microscope only. These are also at the bottom of Food chain, As a result stocks of other Marine animals are going down. Bring back the Planktons that existed about 150 years ago, when Super Volcano Krakatoa spewed more Carbon Dioxide than world uses over ten years. If the Planktons bloom like it was at that time and kept that way mankind can burn any amount of fossil fuel without causing Global Warming or raising the acidity of Ocean.
    In order to bloom Phyto Planktons Ocean water should be fertilized with Iron, that is essential for Plankton growth. Iron deficiency probably caused by Oil Spills and other pollutions.
    Second, clean Up Texas size floating trash in Pacific Ocean and other patches in the Atlantic and other areas. Floating trashes mostly contain Plastics which take very long time to disintegrate and the size of those patches growing a few square miles every day. This can be done two ways. Build ships that will scoop up those floating trash, compact them and add stones and make sure that goes to the bottom of very deep Ocean. The other way scoop them up crush to powder and spread over the Ocean and these will disintegrate quickly.

    Cleaning up the Ocean is the only Plan A to combat rising acidity of Oceans. All other plans,
    1. Cutting the use of Fossil Fuels
    2. Solar Power
    3. Wind Power
    4. Biofuels
    5. Sending Trash to Bottom of Ocean
    6. Making Salt Lakes Alkaline and absorb CO2
    7. ETC ETC
    All these options are plan B. If the Oceans are not cleaned up, the planet will face more danger than Global Warming or Global Cooling. I can cite one example the “Planet Venus” a few billion years ago it had Atmosphere like that of Earth!!

  15. Environmentalists are concerned about dangers to Wildlife because of the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Everyone should be concerned about that. But I see absolutely no one is looking at the big picture, danger to the Planet and to Mankind. This spill will kill Planktons in millions of square miles areas of the Ocean. The Planktons are at the bottom of food chain. One kind, Phytoplanktons absorb CO2 and release O2 by Photosynthesis. Because of lack of Phytoplanktons acidity of Ocean is rising. The Environmentalist should go to college and take and study Marine Biology. In that case they will have complete understanding about the causes of Acidity and its impact on the Planet.
    I can cite one example the “Planet Venus” a few billion years ago it had Atmosphere like that of Earth!!

  16. I am posting this piece again and again. Because I feel that the condition of the Planet Earth is worsening by the day. If actions are not taken now it may be too late. I am SCREEMING!!!

    It is the “MARINE BIOLOGY STUPID” that is affected by rising Ocean Acidity. The tiniest organisms Phyto-Planktons are dying, caused by pollutions. These tiny organisms are visible under Electron Microscope only. These are also at the bottom of Food chain, As a result stocks of other Marine animals are going down. Bring back the Planktons that existed about 150 years ago, when Super Volcano Krakatoa spewed more Carbon Dioxide than world uses over ten years. If the Planktons bloom like it was at that time and kept that way mankind can burn any amount of fossil fuel without causing Global Warming or raising the acidity of Ocean.
    In order to bloom Phyto Planktons Ocean water should be fertilized with Iron, that is essential for Plankton growth. Iron deficiency probably caused by Oil Spills and other pollutions.
    Second, clean Up Texas size floating trash in Pacific Ocean and other patches in the Atlantic and other areas. Floating trashes mostly contain Plastics which take very long time to disintegrate and the size of those patches growing a few square miles every day. This can be done two ways. Build ships that will scoop up those floating trash, compact them and add stones and make sure that goes to the bottom of very deep Ocean. The other way scoop them up crush to powder and spread over the Ocean and these will disintegrate quickly.

    Cleaning up the Ocean is the only Plan A to combat rising acidity of Oceans. All other plans,
    1. Cutting the use of Fossil Fuels
    2. Solar Power
    3. Wind Power
    4. Biofuels
    5. Sending Trash to Bottom of Ocean
    6. Making Salt Lakes Alkaline and absorb CO2
    7. ETC ETC
    All these options are plan B. If the Oceans are not cleaned up, the planet will face more danger than Global Warming or Global Cooling. I can cite one example the “Planet Venus” a few billion years ago it had Atmosphere like that of Earth!!
    I just posted this piece. If anyone is interested in discussing the problem, please send me an e-mail. The situation is really very grave for the planet and all living Animals.
    Jnan R. Saha
    9 Village Green
    Wesley Hills. NY 10952

  17. In the above posts I wrote about the Iron deficiency in Ocean Water. Iron is needed in very dilute conditions about Pico or Femto Molar quantities for Planktons to Bloom. Iron is removed by Pollution. Household Chemicals and Petroleum has lot of Chelating agents and are removing the Iron which is needed for Phytoplanktons.
    It is easy experiment by which one can estimate quantitatively how much Iron to add to the river just before it empties in the Sea. A bell shape glass dome with a built in Burette to be filled with Ocean Water and Oxygen released measured. The experiment repeated after adding Iron in very dilute conditions. The difference in Oxygen between control and after adding Iron is due to this Ion. Experiment to be repeated with many different amount of Iron to get quantitative values. I estimate about one pound of Iron will bloom enough Phytoplanktons to absorb about thousand tons of Carbon Dioxide from atmosphere. But doing actual experiment will establish the amount Iron needed every day.

    As the household chemical are washed by rain to the Rivers which in turn empty in the Ocean Coastal waters need this Iron. After the amount of Iron needed per day is determined, Solution of Iron pellets to be added to the river a few miles before it is emptied. For example Iron should be added near the George Washington Bridge for Hudson River. Add Iron to the Rivers in proportion to the flow. It may be two pound for Hudson and ten pounds for Mississippi for example. Only after doing real experiments the amounts can be determined with certainty.

  18. After it is determined quantitatively how much Iron needed to remove particular amount of Carbon Dioxide, it may work out to be 1000 pounds for United States, 100 pounds for India, China may be 10 pounds for Bangladesh. This should be added every morning in the Rivers of each country. But that amount has to be determined by the experiments I posted. It should be proven not a big deal that can save the planet.

  19. There is reason why I wanted to add Iron to the River just before it emptied in the Ocean not in the open Sea.
    1. All the compounds containing Chelating agent go the River after the rain.
    2. Water from the River has little lower Specific Gravity than the Ocean Water.
    3. The river water with Iron will float on top of Sea Water.
    4. Phytoplanktons are mostly on top 3 feet of Ocean Water.
    5. Specific amount Iron should be added to the Rivers at every Dawn so that it works on Phytoplanktons all day before Iron sinks to deeper water.

  20. There is a quote in Columbia University Magazine Summer 2010 by Neil Tyson, PhD. “I don’t want to be the laughingstock of the Galaxy when they find out that a species that had the intelligence to stop an asteroid impact simply went extinct.”
    I fully endorse this statement. The rate at which the acidity of Ocean Water is rising and killing of the Planktons biggest danger is facing the Planet. I have a dire prediction for the planet that if urgent action is not taken to control the acidity all air breathing organisms will die and Evolution will start all over again from simple organisms. I cite Permean extinction when 99% of life went extinct on the planet.

  21. I offer my apology for my similar posts again and again. Because I feel so strongly how the Planet is getting deteriorated so fast. There is a quote in Columbia University Magazine Summer 2010 by Neil Tyson, PhD. “I don’t want to be the laughingstock of the Galaxy when they find out that a species that had the intelligence to stop an asteroid impact simply went extinct.”
    I fully endorse this statement. The Dinosaurs went extinct might not be by Asteroid impact alone. My theory is that those Dinosaurs in draught time ate all vegetations in sight. Suppose two 100 ton dinosaurs roaming the size of Island of Manhattan. Those two Dinosaurs and all the lesser size animals would have stripped all vegetations in just one year. This probably happened all over the World and an Asteroid impact aggravated the situation. I am citing the Dinosaur extinctions because there is a parallel between Dinosaurs and Humans. The Dinosaurs did not know anything better. We are not facing an Asteroid impact any time soon.

  22. The following piece is from BP dispersant (US Patent no 4597893) used to control the effect of Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico and other Oil Spills all over the world. Most constituents listed are Chelating agents. These bind Metal Ions and make these inactive. In addition to these dispersants, Petroleum itself, Coal, Coal Tar, many household items, like Soaps, Shampoos, Medicines, etc have Chelating compounds.
    For the growth of Phytoplanktons it needs Iron in very dilute condition. Iron may be removed from Ocean Water by Chelation. Yet large scale Fertilizing Ocean Water with Iron may be imprudent. it is not known what effect on the Climate that could be uncontrollable.
    Most of these compounds are washed by rains to the Rivers which in turn empty in the Ocean. Iron should be added to the Coastal Waters in very limited quantities. For example determine the exact amount of Iron needed per day to remove all the Carbon Dioxide produced in the United States. Add this amount of Iron early in the morning that should cover the entire Ocean Coast of the country. While adding Iron to the Coastal Waters everyday it will need constant analysis like change in pH, Plankton counts, measurement of change in composition of Ocean Water etc.

    “A dispersant composition suitable for dispersing crude oil or petroleum products floating on the surface of water comprises a combination of a selected non-ionic surfactant and an anionic surfactant in a suitable solvent. The non-ionic surfactant is an ester of a polyalkoxylated sorbitol or sorbitan and a fatty acid. The anionic surfactant is selected from the group comprising calcium sulphonate, magnesium sulphonate, sodium sulphonate, triethanolamine sulphonate and isopropylamine sulphonate. Suitable solvents are C5 to C10 alcohols, glycols and glycol ethers. The dispersant composition is particularly suitable for use in cold, low salinity water.”

  23. You can burn any amount of Fossil Fuels, Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas if following conditions are met.
    1. Add exact amount of Iron daily within one mile of shore of the Ocean that will bloom enough Phytoplanktons to absorb enough Carbon Dioxide produced per day. This I explained in my last posts.
    2. Burn Coal 100% along with the Tar produced. Tar also burns and produces heat.
    3. Do not spill petroleum in the Ocean.
    4. Use substitute for Plastics with something Natural, like Glass or metal Cans.
    Contrary to popular belief, the planet will not run out of Petroleum and Natural Gas. All these Organic substances including dead Plankton, Fish and other Marine Organisms go to the bottom of the Ocean with Carbon Compounds in them. Under extreme Anaerobic condition Carbon becomes Methane. Methane is cooked under Ocean by Volcanic eruptions, Polymerize to Petroleum.

  24. Why I think Iron is there in Ocean Water but become inactive by Chelation
    In my previous posts I wrote about the report of Iron deficiency in Ocean Water. Some Companies added Iron in open Ocean to bloom Phytoplanktons that absorbed CO2 by Photosynthesis and release Oxygen to the Atmosphere. These Phytoplanktons absorbed Carbon Dioxide and released Oxygen to support life on the planet for billion years. Why should the Ocean have Iron deficiency now?
    About 150 years ago Super Volcano Krakatoa erupted and spewed enough Carbon Dioxide that is produced by Human activity over a few years. Yet there was no Global Warming at that. During any Volcanic eruption it spews dusts of metallic elements and replenish those depleted elements in the Ocean. There were many Volcanic eruptions, particularly one in 1991 spewed thousands of tons of Iron dusts in the Atmosphere and those washed in the Ocean. There is still Iron deficiency. Therefore by some mechanism Iron became inactive. My Hypothesis is by Chelation. I outlined chelating agents in last posts.
